Let….in/into=راه دادن

The hole in the screen is letting the mosquitoes in to the house.

Plug…in/into=-وسیله الکترونیک را به برق زدن

I plugged my 110-volt TV into a 220-volt outlet and ruined it.

Sneak…in/into= دزدکی و یواشکی وارد شدن

If you don’t have a ticket for the game, you will have to sneak in.

Sneak…out = دزدکی خارج شدن

The principal caught me sneaking out of my chemistry class.

Get…back = پس دادن

I have to get these books back to the library- they are overdue.

Get… back = پس گرفتن

I couldn’t believe I got my stolen car back.

Wet blanket = آدم مایوس و نق نقو – ؟

Put a damper on = حالگیری کردن – حال خوب آدمها را خراب کردن

Get up and go = اشتیاق – سرزندگی- شادی

Fix someone up = کسی را با کسی دیگر جور کردن

Live wire = آدم بلا – پر شرو شور و سرزنده

Have a crush on = کشش داشتن به کسی

Dump= رابطه را قطع کردن – از شر کسی خلاص شدن

Stand someone up=جواب نه دادن برای ایجاد رابطه

Yell (scream) bloody murder = جیغ کسی در آمدن – عصبانیت خود را اعلام کردن 

Beth: I know John’s a wet blanket and puts a damper on everything. He has no get up and go.

Peter: Fix him up with Mary. She’s a live wire. I used to have a crush on her myself, but she dumped me.

Beth: What if she stands John up?

Peter: He’ll yell bloody murder!

بث: می دونم جان آدم یخ بی انگیزه ای است و در هر موردی حال گیری می کنه، او هیچ علاقه  و نشاطی نداره

پیتر: با مری جورش کن. او خیلی بلا و سر زنده است. من خودم قبلاً ازش خوشم می آمد ولی او منو رد کرد

بث: اگه قبول نکرد چی؟

پیتر: جان جیغش درمی یاد – حسابی عصبانی می شه

a)fix her friends up      b) put a damper on     c) wet blanket      d)get up and go       e) dumped him     f)live wire     g) yell bloody murder      h) have crushes on     i) stood you up

1. Ann was no fun at that party. She was a……………

2. He always hired people who had……………..

3. I was very happy today until my boss came to work in a bad mood. 
    That ………..everything.

4. She’s very romantic. She likes to ………………….with one another.

5. People want her at their parties because she’s a……………….

6. Some babies will …………………….if their mothers leave them with babysitters.

7. Many teenagers……………movie stars.

8. My car broke down and I couldn’t keep my appointment. I’m sorry I……………………..

9. She doesn’t go out with him anymore. She met someone new, so she………….

1.c     2.d    3.b    4.a    5.f   6.g    7.h    8 .i     9.e

Cash cow = محصول پر فروش و در آمد زا

Our toys make the company a lot of money. They are a real cash cow.

To sky rocketing = بالا رفتن

I hear your sales are skyrocketing!