1-Zip… up = بستن زیپ

I can’t zip my dress up. Can you help me?

2-Burn up= عصبانی کردن – دل کسی را سوزندان

It really burns me up when other people take credit for my work.

3-Burned up = خیلی عصبانی

Jim was burned up when his boss criticized him during the meeting.

4- Clear up = برطرف شدن

The misunderstanding cleared up right away after we talked about it.

5- Eat up = تمام چیزی را خوردن

Don’t eat up the cake before your father gets a piece.

6- Eat up = مصرف کردن

I am broke. Fixing my car last week ate up my entire pay check.

Under the weather = سر حال نبودن – بد بودن حال

Play hooky = جیم شدن

Spill the beans = کسی را لو دادن – راز کسی را فاش کردن

Swamped = شلوغ و گرفتار بودن – تا سر توی کار غرق بودن

Not picnic = راحت نبودن – الکی نبودن

Hang in there = بردبار بودن – صبر کردن

In the long run =  در انتها – در آخر کار

Sitting pretty = درست شدن کار – مرتب شدن اوضاع

Bring home the bacon = نان خانواده را در آوردن – خانواده را تامین کردن

Judy: Today I’m under the weather.

Ann: Play hooky. I won’t spill the beans.

Judy: I can’t. I’m swamped with work. My job is no picnic.

Ann: Well, hang in there. In the long run, you’ll be sitting pretty.

Judy: I hope so. I have to bring home the bacon.

جودی: امروز حالم خوب نیست. سر حال نیستم .

آن : جیم شو، من تو رو لو نمی دم (به کسی نمی گم

(جودی: نمی تونم – سرم خیلی شلوغه . کار من راحت نیست (الکی نیست

(آن : خب یک کمی صبر کن (تحمل داشته باش). آخر کار. اوضاعت مرتب می شه (همه چیز درست میشه

(جودی: امیدوارم ( خدا کنه) نان خانواده را من در می آورم. (مخارج خانوده با منه

a)brings home the bacon      b)no picnic     c)under the weather     d) swamped      
e) hang in there      f) spilled the beans     g) played hooky      h) in the long run      
 i) sitting pretty

1. It is the busy season and I’m ……………. with work.

2. Raising children today is……………

3. His wife works and he stays home and takes care of the children. She…………….

4. Get a college education because ………………you’ll make more money.

5. I can’t go to work today. I’m getting a cold any feeling…………………..

6.  She didn’t know about the surprise party until somebody……………….

7.  The children didn’t go to school. They…………………

8.  She married a very nice, rich, handsome man. Now she’s…………………………

9.  I know you want to go and have fun with your friends, but ……………… and finish your homework.

1.d      2.b     3.a     4.h    5.c    6.f    7.g    8.i     9.e

1-Have one’s job on the line = در خطر بودن – در معرض خطر

My job is on the line because the boss thinks I work too slowly. If I don’t improve, I’ll be fired.

2- Head and shoulder above the competition= یک سر و گردن بالاتر بودن

Our computers are head and shoulders above any others on the market. No one can compete with our superior technology.